Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Website problems

We have a website http://thearkhorsham.org which was set up today. Our usual website is experiencing problems which are beyond our control.

Normal service will be resumed as and when possible. Improvements will be made to the website. Suggestions are always welcome

Derek McMillan

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

From the County Times

Jan Walsh's article on "What my faith means to me"

Breaking out of prison

I was an atheist for many years. I suffered depression for many years.
Some people think these two facts might be related.

Depression is like imprisonment except that you help to build the
prison yourself. Anger, guilt and fear led me to put up walls keeping
everyone else out and keeping me in. And I couldn't put a brake on my
thoughts. Resentment and hostility gave me no peace.

I first went to St John's in Horsham with my wife. I hadn't been to a
Catholic Church before. The moment when everyone standing around me
started shaking me by the hand and wishing me "peace" was a complete
surprise. How did they know how I was feeling?

Perhaps the key to the prison of depression is forgiveness. Certainly
forgiving the trespasses of others frees me from a crippling
resentment and hostility. Then there is the harder task of forgiving

Praying the stations of the cross I realized (I am very slow on the
uptake) that Jesus forgave the very people who tortured and crucified
him. This meant that nothing could cut me off from forgiveness if I
sought it.

And I leave you with the words of a very wise man, (one who would
laugh it off if you called him that). What he taught me was a prayer,
"Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief." It is a mistake to assume
atheists don't want to believe in what Jesus stands for – such things
as justice, mercy and love. And from wanting to believe to believing
is a personal journey of discovery.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Photos from ARK

One big happy family

ARK bowling

Encounter camp links

Encounter talksHere are links to the encounter talks from this year

Monday - Introduction : Jim Harper

Tuesday - There's a War Going On : Paul Hill

Wednesday - Holy Spirit Baptism : Jim Harper

Thursday - Love : Jim Harper

Friday - Authority : Jim Harper

Friday - Concluding Encouragements : (Prophecies)

Friday - Testimonies : Various 

If the above links do not work try pasting the following into your browser.

Monday - Introduction :  Jim Harper   

Tuesday - There's a War Going On : Paul Hill
(13 mb)

Wednesday - Holy Spirit Baptism : Jim Harper
(13.4 mb)

Thursday - Love : Jim Harper
(11.4 mb)

Friday - Authority : Jim Harper
(11.9 mb)

Friday - Concluding Encouragements : (Prophecies)
(2.0 mb)

Friday - Testimonies : Various
(8.3 mb)

Encounter Camp